If Clarity is Elusive, Try Alignment

Have you ever observed changes in someone else and called it reinvention? 

Do you think that person, looking from the inside out, would think of their change that way? Maybe.

But maybe it’s not reinvention. Rather, alignment. 

What I used to perceive as reinvention, I think, is more of a coming home to self and a returning to one’s true nature. Aligning.

For some time, I’ve wrestled with the word clarity. Everywhere I look, everything I read, everything I hear seems to echo the need for clarity.  I get it. It’s important. And yet just because I know it doesn’t mean I haven’t struggled to find it. How about you?

What I recently realized is that if we’re hopping stone to stone across the river of life, try as we might, sometimes the clarity stone we’re searching for just isn’t visible. We stand on the searching stone. We grind our knuckles on the searching stone. We meditate on the searching stone. We surrender on the searching stone. We scream on the searching stone.

When we’ve tried everything to find clarity and it remains elusive, maybe we need to reorganize our priorities.

Maybe we need to consider that the clarity stone is only visible when we’re standing on the alignment stone. (I’m struggling with this analogy because there’s a part of me that believes in flow and full immersion into the river to surrender to life’s higher intelligence, etc. I’m sure someone smarter than me can make this make sense. But I think you follow my rocky reference.)

What I’m trying to say is that in my experience, alignment needs to come before clarity. Once I figure out how to align with who I am or what I want to be, do or become, only then do I start to get some clarity.

I see every person’s quest for clarity this way: 

First, we all have times when we live a life that isn’t true to us at all. Maybe that’s most prevalent when we’re young or hurt or lost.

Second, we have times when something is true for us, but only for a season. We're not one dimensional people, and we have human facets to explore.

Third, I think we all have times when we decide to turn away from fear day after day, and in so doing, we align and realize what truth and flow feel like.

We're not wrong when we’re misaligned. We’re finding out who we are. 

And it’s only in relationship with life that we bump up against things repeatedly, and discover where we’re misaligned. 

I think alignment is something that happens on the inside that becomes visible and felt on the outside. 

Think of your energy. 

Think of your work. 

Think of your health routine. 

Think of your family and friends. 

Think of your integrity.

Think of your online persona. 

Think of your spiritual practices

And then think of the word alignment in context with each of them and all of them.

How aligned are you feeling right now?

When we're aligned, the outside voices and chatter begin to fade into the background.

Finding alignment can be a long quest for some of us, or an ever-present knowing for others. 

When we find it, though, we feel it, and we can suddenly move faster, farther and more freely.

I think that freedom is what makes alignment worth seeking. 

Wishing you alignment and clarity.

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