Color Your Future

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself at age seven. See yourself in a comfortable space. Maybe you’re in your childhood bedroom on a slow summer afternoon. Can you see your hair as it looked back then, your outfit, maybe your missing front tooth?

Now see your eyes and your entire being locked in on a coloring book page with a box of crayons half spilled next to you. Your head is tilted. Jaw loose. Nothing else matters. Your inner artist is at work.

As adults, we neglect this little one.

I’ve created a 2025 Creativity Calendar as a way for us to engage this inner child and to color just one square a day for a year. After 365 days, you’ll have your own unique artwork reflecting your original historical record of the year.

Every creative endeavor doesn’t need to have a potential endpoint of an Emmy, a buyout or social recognition. I added the creativity calendar to my morning routine of reading, exercise, meditation and journaling. This daily doodle practice brings me calm and amusement.

Beyond that, it tells a story, maybe an unexpected one. Throughout the landscape of a tumultuous year, my calendar tells a story of highs and lows and gray zones beyond the one my journal holds. What might yours look like?

Befriending a blank page with a colored pencil in hand gives your imagination permission to play. And it helps to put your inner critic down for a nap.

Click for the 2025 Creativity Calendar digital download

Click the 2025 Creativity Calendar image here to download the digital document. Just print, staple and start.

And enjoy.

Don’t judge it. Just create.