“During a sandstorm in the daytime,
I could lay in the bunkhouse and
watch the sand seep in through the light bulbs.”
[Story shared with me by a woman who is 82 years old]
The start of that story is so visual. With one simple sentence, we are there.
In 2024, by asking new questions of new people, I’ve heard stories that are captivating and authentic. They’re visceral for the people sharing them, and they’re palpable for the listener. Can you think of a few stories you heard this year that moved you, dazzled you, mystified you, enchanted you? I bet more than a few of them connected you in a new way to the person who shared.
“One day my dad and grandpa saw some guys walking out of the woods carrying a bunch of fish. My dad said, 'Where have you been?’ They said, 'Into the next lake.’ Dad said, 'I didn't know there was another lake in there.’ Eventually my dad was presented with an opportunity to purchase property on that lake even though he didn’t have enough money to do it. He paid with chicken eggs every week over the course of an entire year.”
[Shared with me by a man who is 82 years old]
These aren’t my stories. But I felt them deeply. Their words, their inflections, their emotion all stemmed from someone else’s personal human experiences and interactions. These stories tap into another place and time. They evoke imagery of environment and sentiment. They tell tales of living, observing and of wonder. They remind us of our common humanity.
Can you see your great grandparents when you look into the eyes of your relatives?
Can you imagine the lives of ancestors in the eyes of strangers?
Can you feel a sense of tradition and her story in the way your grandmother dressed or the sweetness she uses when she pats your hand?
2024 AND YOU
How can your family’s tales of living, observing and of wonder be harnessed today?
Maybe you can be the one at your table this year who goes beyond the always meaningful question about gratitude. Maybe you can start a trend of learning just a little bit more, and taking the time to find out what people care about.
Hear from the storytellers and the quiet ones. Wait in loving silence as the highly sensitive ones search for their words to share exactly what is on their heart.
a. Ask each guest (family and friends) to write one story-related question on a piece of paper, then place them all in a bowl. Take turns drawing the questions, read them aloud, and have each person volunteer to share.
b. Ask: In what ways are you most creative? In what ways would you like to be more creative? (For example, I might say I feel most creative when I do photography. I’d like to be a more creative writer).
c. Ask: What are you not very good at? What are/were you really pretty good at? (For example, I might say I’m not very good at small talk. But I am pretty good at listening).
d. Ask: What single area of learning gave your life direction, joy, hope or just pure fun? (For example, I might say practicing martial arts).
e. Ask: What are five life lessons each person wants to offer to others? (For example, I might say 1. Show up. 2. Get moving, in nature, if possible. 3. Trust yourself. 4. Keep learning. 5. When in doubt, assume good intentions.)
Maybe you're alone today. Try asking some of these questions of yourself. Get to know yourself better. Write down your answers or hit “record” on your phone’s voice recording app.
Maybe you’re missing someone. If it feels right, perhaps you can honor them by sharing your favorite stories or qualities about them.
This holiday season, if you are fortunate to gather with others for food, friendship and fellowship, maybe you can allow connection and storytelling to be your nourishment. Maybe you can let curiosity be your sustenance. And maybe you can let listening to others as they share be the sweetest dessert you consume.
You can start all of this the moment the door opens.
I challenge you to greet each guest with a statement or question you’ve never used with them before. What could you say to elicit welcome surprise, joy and warmth?
I’m cheering you as you establish a new dynamic through the magic of stories this year. No matter our age, only today is guaranteed.
With love to you and yours!
PS: Tell me one of your short stories.